Go, Pelosi, Go!

You go through the gate. If the gate’s closed, you go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we’ll pole vault in. If that doesn’t work, we’ll parachute in. But we’re going to get health care reform passed for the American people.

Nancy Pelosi in a press conference on January 28, 2010

You go, girl. You’re doing more damage to your party than the Republicans could ever hope for. I fully support your right to open your mouth and spew as much nonsense as you can if it means you won’t be sitting in that seat next January.

To Put Things In Perspective

I don’t always agree with Glenn Beck — more often than not, he’s a real kook. But he’s always entertaining and gave an analogy that really puts things in perspective…

Assume you have an individual who makes $50K a year. That individual ran up $300,000 in credit card debt last year. So s/he goes to the bank and says “look, I know my spending got way out of hand last year, but I’m going to make you a deal. Next year, I’ll cap my spending to $300,000. And to sweeten the pot, here’s $210 towards what I spent last year”.

Do the math people! That’s the equivalent of what Obama’s trying to do when he says he wants to freeze 17% of the federal budget at last year’s level.