Bloody Caesar

I’ll take one of these over a Bloody Mary any day of the year.

The Vodka

1 liter good vodka
2 cups grated horseradish
1/2 cup black peppercorns

Pour the vodka in a large jug, add the horseradish and peppercorns and shake it up. Let it sit for 10-12 hours, but give it a shake every couple of hours. When it’s done, strain it through a coffee filter and pour it back in the bottle. Don’t worry about the color… that just means it’s absorbed all that horseradish and pepper.

The Mixer

48 ounce bottle of tomato juice
3 8 ounce bottles of clam juice
1 tablespoon Montreal Steak seasoning
1/4 cup lime juice
1 teaspoon prepared horseradish

Pour it all in a jug and shake it. Refrigerate for several hours until it’s good and cold.

The Drink

Fill a glass with ice. Give the mixer a good shake. Add the spicy vodka and mixer to the glass according to your tastes — 1 part vodka to 3 parts mixer works well. Stir and garnish with a celery stick or wedge of lime.

Managing dot-qmail files

I’ve been using qmail as my MTA for as long as I can remember. The feature I like most is being able to have one-off email addresses I can use across the web that can easily be disabled if I start getting spammed.

For folks who aren’t familiar with qmail, that means I can set up a prefix foo with the extension and have email sent to without having to reconfigure the server every time I want to create a new temporary email address.

At some point, that address will start getting spam. The bonus is that by using an extension that identifies the site where I used it, I immediately know where the leak started. When the spam shows up, I create a dot-qmail file to bounce email to that address. Over the years, I’ve accumulated a lot of dot-qmail files, so I’ve started using soft-links to manage them. On my server, I set up three dot-qmail files for my account:

.qmail-default controls normal delivery:


.qmail-bounce will bounce an email:

|/var/qmail/bin/bouncesaying 'Mail is no longer accepted at this address.'

.qmail-bounce-and-deliver will bounce an email as far as the sender is concerned, but the email will still be delivered. This gives me time to slowly retire an email address that may still occasionally receive legitimate email:

|/var/qmail/bin/bouncesaying 'Mail is no longer accepted at this address.'

Once these three files are configured, I can immediately toggle delivery for a specific email address with a single command:

ln -s .qmail-bounce .qmail-anytext